Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I Am A Photographer

I am a photographer. I became a photographer to capture life around me and record it for future generations to share. Photography is painting with light. It is recording events. It is art.

A good photograph simplifies. The subject is clearly identified with focus on the subject with little to no distraction. Showing only the elements that add to the story the picture is telling.

This is fundamental to being a good photographer.

A good photograph has a theme to it. Usually this is a universal theme of some kind. The theme could be motherhood, war, just about anything. How do you accomplish this? How do you convey the theme you want to in a picture?

It is a progressive learning process. It does not happen overnight. Your photographs that express a universal theme will move the viewer. If it has a universal theme it touches off the memory in the viewer of their mothers, daughters, infants, or whatever the subject is.


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