Thursday, November 02, 2006

Absent with reason

A rather odd thing happened shortly after I did my entry to this blog about the importance of focus. I was looking at some recent photos I had taken, and low and behold, at least half of them had less than adequate focus.

This concerned me greatly, so I determined it must be time for some new glasses. I tend to be on the parsimonious side, so I opted for the local Costco optometrist. We did the eye charts and the dilatation, he said my eyes looked very healthy, and the good news was that corrected I would again see 20/20. I then ordered the glasses.. which came in about 2 weeks. I went to pick them up, and discovered I could handle see out of the left lens, which I complained of then and there.

Well they double checked everything, and sent me back to the optometrist, who rechecked my vision, made some adjustments and then announced to me that he could not sharpen up the left eye like he could the right. As he handed me the new prescription, I asked why is that?

His answer was kind of alarming to me. He said probably because of the cataract forming in that eye. I do not equate healthy eyes with cataracts (a distinction that apparently eye doctors have to separate out things like macular degeneration etc.)

Well the glasses were supposed to come in a week, they did not. They did not come in two weeks. By which time I had made an appointment with my parents eye doctor who is one of the top guys in the field, and who has successfully removed cataracts from both my parents eyes, done a cornea transplant, and kept them seeing for years.
As a photographer, my vision is pretty important so I figure go to the best when you need something like this. Well, since the glasses had not come in, and I was supposed to take them to the doctor, I cancelled them the day before the doctor appointment figuring my prescription might change anyway.

I do indeed have cataracts beginning to form on both eyes, the left eye is more pronounced, and the reason the my ability to focus has changed. (guess I will be relying on auto focus more than I like until I can get all this cleared up.)

The problem is that apparently the doctor needs to know my corrected vision before he can tell me if removing the cataract will clear up the vision in that eye.. so I reordered glasses (at the place in his eye center) where I am getting a better quality of glasses, that come with a guarantee against scratching for 2 years, will be here in 10 days or less, but am paying a bit more for.

If all goes well I will be back on track with my focus factors within the month.

I suppose I could have gone onto another element of photography, but somehow it just did not seem right to say how important focus is, and not be able to produce decent focus myself. There is enough hypocrisy in the world without my becoming a practitioner of it.

Hopefully I will have good things to report on my next posting, for which I will also try to decide which subject of photography to discuss.